Trezor Wallet - Connect Trezor Device

To log in to your Trezor wallet, follow these steps:

  1. Connect Your Trezor Device:

    • Plug in your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer using the USB cable.

    • Ensure that your device is powered on.

  2. Open the Trezor Wallet Interface:

    • Visit the official Trezor website: Trezor Wallet.

    • Click on the “Login” or “Access Wallet” button.

  3. Choose Your Trezor Model:

    • If you have multiple Trezor models (such as Trezor One or Trezor Model T), select the appropriate one.

  4. Enter Your PIN:

    • On your Trezor device, you’ll be prompted to enter your PIN using the device’s physical buttons.

    • Follow the instructions on the screen to input your PIN correctly.

  5. Unlock Your Wallet:

    • Once your PIN is verified, your wallet will be unlocked.

    • You’ll now have access to your cryptocurrency accounts and balances.

Last updated